Eden M. Kennedy has acted impulsively in ways she now regrets.

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana


a_b_p_01Spiderman: "I thought we'd have class outside today on this rustic wood plank. Any objections?"

a_b_p_02 Mr. Freeze: "As soon as I can think of a diabolical response to that question, I will impart it to you, web-slinging do-gooder." Flash: "Dude, is this floor made out of an old fence or something?" Woody: "Don't fence me in! Ha, ha!" Green Lantern: "Oh my god, I think I'm in the wrong class."

a_b_p_04 Spiderman: "Today's pose is ardha baddha padmottanasana." Mr. Freeze: "Look at us when you're speaking! You are very rude! What are these foreign terms you flaunt before us?" Flash: "It's Sanskrit, freezer face." Woody: "I know! Golly! It means "half bound lotus standing forward bend"! Spiderman: "Right, Woody! And also, just so everyone knows, ah, my neck is broken."

a_b_p_05 Spiderman: "Okay, I'm going to demonstrate the pose. Inhale and bring your right foot up to your left thigh, then bring your arm around your back and with your right hand grab the big toe of your right foot.

a_b_p_06 Mr. Freeze: "This is madness!" Flash: "My knees don't bend." Woody: "Mine, neither." Green Lantern: "Mine do but I don't want to show off and make you guys feel bad. Also, I look fabulous standing here like this."

a_b_p_07 Spiderman: "Then exhale and bend forward, still holding onto your toe, keeping your standing leg strong, and placing your left palm flat on the floor."

a_b_p_09 Mr. Freeze: " . . . " Flash: " . . . " Woody: " . . . " Green Lantern: " . . . "

a_b_p_10 Mr. Freeze: "Are you going to kill him? Or should I?" Flash: "Dude, that's not cool." Mr. Freeze: "Your freezer-themed humor is childish and insulting." Flash: "Do you ever get any oxygen in that helmet? Seriously."

a_b_p_11 Woody: "Gosh, Mr. Lantern, you look like you're in really good shape! Did you get that way just from practicing yoga?" Green Lantern: "No, I just keep every single muscle in my body flexed at all times."

a_b_p_13 Spiderman: "Hold for five to eight breaths . . . "

a_b_p_14 Spiderman: " . . . then come back up to standing, still holding your toe, and with your left arm raised high."

a_b_p_17 Mr. Freeze: "You dastardly scoundrel, I have no left arm! Your foreign practice mocks amputees."

a_b_p_16 Flash: "Don't be a whiner, Frosty." Woody: "Don't be a Don't-Be, be a Do-Be!" Green Lantern: "And here are my triceps."

a_b_p_18 Spiderman: "And release and come back to standing, then get ready to do the same thing on the other side."

a_b_p_19 Mr. Freeze: "I knew it! Spiderman is trying to disable us with his rigorous spiritual exercises." Flash: "The backwards leg? I don't think that was supposed to happen." Woody: "I think he's just incredibly flexible!" Green Lantern: "I think I'm in love."

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