I have decided to sell all the books, CDs, and VHS tapes I no longer have any use for on Amazon.com. It is such a rip-off to bring this valuable stuff to my local purveyors of secondhand intellectual laundry. I took probably $300 worth of books down to the Book Den a few weeks ago and the bastard gave me $26. And I took it! Gratefully! I am tired of being an accomplice in my own abuse. A mother needs beer money, after all. Of course, along with all the other fantastically important things I'm trying to do right now, it's going to take me about 3,000 years to get everything in a pile and then get myself organized online. So if anyone wants a used copy of Mary Karr's Cherry in hardcover (originally $24.95 retail!), the price is, oh, how about $5? It's worth at least $3.72.